Friday, December 25, 2015

  \WordPress for Mac 4.4

 program to install a blog
schematic publishing publishing platform personal blogware publishing platform blogware website

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 Download WordPress for Mac 4.4 program to install a blog
WordPress for Mac through this program may inauguration of a blog or site Word Press on the platform of your Mac system. Moreover, the development of WordPress by volunteers, capabilities and can easily extend with the help of a wide range of community creation and support for plug-ins. In order to install Word on your Mac, you first need to install an open source application MAMP (Macintosh, Apache, MySQL and PHP), which will enable you to adjust without even bothering and configure your your personal web server. As a result, we will be able to test the site before it was published on the Internet. The next step is to make sure from the start MAMP servers and create a new database that can be used by WordPress base, then unzip the archive WordPress download and transfer the contents of the folder WordPress within MAMP root document (ie / Users / your user / sites / Word / name). 
 download from here


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